
by Aplim



This application is available for the personnel of the establishments which already have the ApSecure software and for which an account has been created from the software.Always at hand, the ApSecure application, a mobile extension of the ApSecure software, allows its users to work towards the dematerialization of the regulatory and organizational management related to the security of their establishment.After logging in, users can view the list of actions to which they are assigned. They can then for each: - Consult the available documents. - Add documents (photos & files). - Modify the progress of an action and/or validate it.It is also possible, from the photo gallery of their device or by selecting an image, pdf, or Word file (.doc & .docx) to share it in ApSecure to add it to the documents of an action or validate an action.Finally, they can also consult the entire security register of the establishment as well as the documents attached to the various entries in the register.Viewing Word documents (.doc & .docx) requires the installation of Microsofts Android Word application or any other text editor to open these files.In the event of a connection problem, please contact your establishment.